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Usage and Dosage of Ezetimibe

In order to have best effect of the medication it is essential for the patients to follow proper usage instructions.

  • One Ezetimibe tablet is recommended in a day.
  • The medicine can be taken with or without food.
  • Patients should take the drug at the same time each day.
  • Ezetimibe needs to be complimented with low-cholesterol diet, exercise and weight control program in order to have best result from the treatment.
  • Patients taking Cholestyramine or Colestipol should take Ezetimibe at least 2 hours before or 4 hours after taking these drugs.


The right dosage of the drug is determined depending upon the patient’s age, medical history, condition and severity of the problem. However, the usually recommended adult dosage of Ezetimibe is 10 mg daily for reducing the bad cholesterol level in the blood. Patients are advised to stick to the doctor’s prescribed dosage for the best effects.

Missed dosage or over dosage

In case any patient has missed a regular dosage of Zetia then the patient is advised to immediately take the tablet upon remembering it. In case if it is almost the time for the next dosage, it is recommended not to take the skipped dosage and continue on the regular scheduled dose. Double dose of the drug should be strictly avoided.

Over dosage of the medication does not show any life threatening symptoms but it is better to seek medical attention immediately in order to avoid any unwanted side effects.

Storage instructions

The drug is supposed to be stored at room temperature that is not more than 25 degree Celsius. It should be stored away from moisture and sunlight. It is advised to keep the drug away from children. Expired and unused drug should be safely disposed.