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Online Canadian drugs Store

About was launched in 2003 to provide people worldwide with safe and affordable medications at savings of up to 90%. Since that time, we have helped hundreds of thousands of people around the world save money on all their medication needs by connecting them with fully licensed Canadian pharmacies and approved international fulfillment centers. Today, CanadaDrugStop.Com is one of Canada's most trusted online Canadian and international pharmacy referral and administration service providers.

Through our online Canadian and international prescripton service, our customers have access to a wide range of popular brand and generic medications at affordable prices. Our mail-order international and Canadian prescription service is safe, affordable, and very easy to use. Orders can be placed directly on our website using our secure shopping cart system, or you can also order your medications by telephone, fax, mail, or email. All medications are shipped directly to your doorstep and come in the manufacturer's original packaging. In addition to dispensing from our Canadian dispensing pharmacy, medication orders are also filled and shipped from international fulfillment centers that are approved by the regulatory bodies from their respective countries. Medication orders are filled and shipped from approved fulfillment centers around the world including, but not limited to, Canada, Singapore, United Kingdom, New Zealand, Turkey, Mauritius, India, Australia, and the United States. The items in your order may be filled and shipped from any one of the above jurisdictions. The products are sourced from various countries including, but not limited to, Canada, United Kingdom, New Zealand, Turkey, India, Australia, and the United States. All of our affiliated fulfillment centers have been approved by the regulatory bodies from their respective countries. All customer orders are checked and approved by qualified licensed pharmacists. Ordering your medications using our Canadian and international prescripton service has never been easier.

At CanadaDrugStop.Com, we strive to provide all our customers with world-class customer support. Should you have any questions or would like to place an order, please feel free to contact our customer care center at 1-877-210-3784. We look forward to helping you save money on all your medications!